The body has the ability to heal itself if given the right conditions. Poor diets, dehydration, lack of exercise, poor sleep, stress, vitamin deficiencies etc, can cause a host of problems if not addressed (inflammation, pain, muscle and joint stiffness and soreness, mental/emotional issues to name a few). A Naturopath looks at all aspects of a person’s life and makes suggestions on how to reduce their symptoms naturally.
Core Principals of Naturopathic Medicine
Do No Harm: Use the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.
The Healing Power of Nature: Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.
Identify and Treat the Causes: Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.
Be a Teacher: Educate patients about the steps to achieving and maintaining health.
Treat the Whole Person: View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.
Prevention: Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.
Will It Work for My Condition?
Your body is an amazing piece of work. Implementing changes in your lifestyle (eating habits, sleep patterns, stress levels, hydration, vitamin D deficiency etc.), will kick-in your body’s built in ability to heal itself and allow conditions to improve. So if you suffer from: Allergies, Headaches, Digestive Issues, Tiredness, Pain or Inflammation, Sinus Issues, Arthritis, Skin Problems…just to name a few, let’s chat to see what can be done to lessen, or maybe even eliminate those problems.